Spaß an Technik: Elektronik & Mikrorechner A.Schultze, DK4AQ, 19.04.2013 Installation der Entwicklungsumgebung (IDE) Download von Entpacken und Ablegen Verknüpfung auf Desktop erstellen
30 Arduino Selbstbau-projekte Pdf 23
In the video there is only 5 capacitors, but the circuit shows 6 capacitors and the arduino uno default timer2 frequency is 61 khz, but you explained and coded default prescale, can u please provide the full report with the virtual ground resistor design. Please help me i am on my major project..
congratulations for your project, I have seen this same circuit all the same in another project, the only difference is the output uses the N-type mosfet IRF840 and fed with 400 volts, the voltage divider of the BFEM the resistances are of the same value as samples in the circuit, nomas that changes to 5 watts, my question is if there is higher bfem with 400 volts the divider has the same resistance values but at 5 watts, but the working voltage is 400 volts there is no risk of damaging the arduino .How to use this circuit that you propose with 400 volts with the IRF840, and resistance values that must be put in the divider, thanks for your contributions
i think you re right about thomas attitude,what i understand about all of that (the approach of thomas meanly),is that at the moment,nobody can properly show a direct drive moteur of washing machine running perfectly by arduino actual code so,i guess there is probably multiples adjustments to realise on the code,to make it efficient enough to run such this kind of motor,right?
Hi I done the circuit with mosfet ipp055n03 and gate driver ir2104 and connect to bldc motor and arduino code as same as you but my bldc motor cannot rotate and make noise. But at some time, I try push the motor shaft, the motor rotates for a few seconds and then stop rotate and make noise again. Is there anyone has solution for this?
Can anyone please give me advise . I want to do the project to run a 3 phase bldc motor with 100V dc or 300V dc power. Im using the same schematics as the 12V dc motor controler circuit with arduino using Ir2104 and mosfet Ir840. Do I have to change the values of the two capacitors and to which value? And to what value do I have to change the resistors? And would it be a good idea to use one power source to power the mosfets and the ir2104 and Arduino by using voltage deviders?
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